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Chi-Yul is a thin middle-aged man with blonde hair, prominent wrinkles, and no left arm, due to having lost it during his experience in the Double Dungeon. In his first appearance, he wore a simple blue tracksuit.
Chi-Yul is a lively and sarcastic man with a strong sense of duty, to the point that he refused to retire from hunting even after losing his right arm in the Double Dungeon. He also cares for his comrades, as demonstrated by his interactions with Jinwoo and Joohee, and was willing to sacrifice himself for them on multiple occasions.
Although he prefers to hunt with a plan in mind, Chi-Yul is willing to take risks from time to time. However, he is also open to the opinions of others and never forces anyone into doing anything they don't want to.
After the Double Dungeon incident, Chi-Yul have grown remorseful over his failure as a leader and chose to keep the loss of his arm as a reminder of his mistake.
Before awakening Chi-Yul was a kumdo who after awakening as a hunter found himself in the Mage class, which he found ironic considering he was a swordsman. Due to this he often lamented on how his sword skills which he hone for years were useless against the Magic Beasts in dungeons. Despite the odd twist of fate, Cho-Yul believed that there must be a reason for him receiving such a class.
Over the years he gained a lot of experience as a independent C-Rank hunter and garnered a respected reputation as a professional. It was said it he wasn't already of advanced age he would have been in one of the major guilds.
D-Rank Dungeon Arc
At a construction site where a D-Rank Gate opened, Chi-Yul elected himself as leader for the raid to the hunters that gathered in the area. Due to him being the highest ranked hunter no one disputed him.[2]
In the dungeon Chi-Yul employed his fire magic against the magic beasts. After the monsters were all killed, the hunters discovered a second entrance. Chi-Yul believed to be a rumored Double Dungeon. He used his magic to light the entrance revealing a deep tunnel. Normally such a find would be reported to the Korean Hunters Association and let them assess the dungeon, but Chi-Yul suggested that the hunters present handle the dungeon boss themselves so as not to miss out on the rewards. He left it up to a vote to the 17 hunters on whether they go in or not.[3][4]
Chi-Yul led the hunters deeper into the tunnel where at the end was a pair of ominous doors. While some of the hunters were beginning to have second doubts, Chi-Yul reminded them that they already came all this way and it would be a pity to go back empty-handed. He pushed the doors opened, wanting to be in on any discoveries in the new dungeon, inviting anyone to go or stay. Due to his veterans years as a hunter, the others in the raid party trusted Chi-Yul's confidence and followed him in.
On the other side of the door was a chamber filled with giant stone statues. Chi-Yul while observing his surroundings noticed a symbol on the ground that resembled a divination circle. But before he could examine it further, he was called by the other hunters, finding a strange stone statue with an inscription called the Commandments of Kandiaru and that they were in the Cartenon Temple. After finishing reading them, the doors to the dungeon closed. One of the hunters thinking that coming into the room was a bad idea tried to open the doors. Chi-Yul sensing danger tried to call out to the hunter to stop, but it was too late as one of the giant statues in the room moved and decapitated the man.[5]
Upon witnessing this Chi-Yul came to the horrible realization that if the giant statues could be animate then the Statue of God was likely the same. His suspicions proved to be true when the statue turned and began to use heat vision on the hunters. Luckily most of the escape the attack as they were warned by Jinwoo. Chi-Yul among the survivors though lost his left arm, ordered the panic hunters to calm down and to stay where they were as they would be attacked if they stood up. He then crawled over to Jinwoo and the paralyzed Lee Joohee explaining to the E-Rank hunter that Joohee became like this due to being unable to handle frightening situations. He wanted to asked Jinwoo what he thought about the dungeon, given he was the first to realize the statue was moving and was about to attack. As Jinwoo helped Chi-Yul with his wound, the older hunter shared his thoughts on the dungeon estimating it to be at least S-Rank. While they discussed on the contents of the inscription, Chi-Yul believed that if they did nothing it was only a matter of time before they were all annihilated.[6]
Chi-Yul expressed his regrets on bringing everyone into the dungeon, thinking it would be an easy job hence why he brought only three healers. But by the looks of things the hunter saw that he already lost one and the two remaining were scared out of their minds. And with the Statue of God, they had no chance of fighting it. When things calmed down, Chi-Yul wanted to focus on getting everyone out of the chamber. However Joo Jae-Hwan would not wait and tried to make a run for the door, despite Chi-Yul pleas not to, and witnessed seeing the hunter end up being incinerated by the giant statue. It became obvious to Chi-Yul that they were like insects to the giant statue, Jinwoo though asked a crucial question, such as why has it not destroyed them yet. Jinwoo urged Chi-Yul to tell him the commandments on the stone inscription, the first being worship God.
The young hunter then hypothesized that there were certain rules in play in the dungeon. As Jinwoo got up to see if he was right, Chi-Yul at first thought he was committing suicide, but upon seeing his junior's eyes realized that he had not given up hope and was determined to survive.[7] When Jinwoo ordered everyone to kneel before the giant statue, guessing that it only attacked people at a certain height, Chi-Yul and the other surviving hunters followed his lead. When the statue seemingly was heat vision deactivated, the hunters returned to their feet thinking it was over. However that was far from the case as it began to rise on its own feet. Chi-Yul seeing this, pleaded to Jinwoo what they were suppose to do now. Jinwoo looked back at the second commandant and thought they had to "praise God" to escape the statue. One of the hunters being a former member of a church choir, attempt to sing a hymn, but was crushed under the foot of the stone behemoth.[8]
The hunters then feel in panic as the statue begins to crush a few of them. To avoid any more casualties, Chi-Yul urges everyone to split up. Though they incur more deaths when the approach the boundaries of the chamber and the giant statues come to life and begin attacking any of the hunters that are in their vicinity. Jinwoo though figures that "praise God" refers to the statues with instruments and calls out to his comrades stand next to one. Chi-Yul is the first to reach a statue, bearing a horn which then to his shock does not attack but begins to play. Once confirming it is as Jinwoo says and that it is safe. The survivors each clamor to a statue holding an instrument, all save for Jinwoo who gives up his spot to Joohee to find another one. Chi-Yul watches as apprehension as his junior barely escapes death from the Statue of God and tries to tell him to avoid going the wrong way from the attacking giant statues, before Jinwoo finally manages to crawl to safety before a statue of a singing angel.[9]
After the danger passed, Chi-Yul and the other remaining gathered around Jinwoo who had lost his leg. As he was being healed by Joohee, Chi-Yul wondered if Jinwoo would be alright and was glad he was at least alive. He and Sangshik discussed their situation, in that they had dwindled from seventeen hunters to just six, with two sustaining severe injuries. Sangshik told Chi-Yul that he bore the responsibility of the current tragedy which the latter understood. Next when the Statue of God move away, an altar appeared at the center of the room, which Jinwoo indicated was the last commandment, "thou shall prove thy faith" and probably indicated that in order to escape the dungeon a sacrifice would needed to be made.
Sangshik hearing this, conjured a sword and pointed it to Chi-Yul's throat demanding he be the sacrifice as a way to redeem himself for the mess they were in and wanted to make the other hunter prove that he would be willing to shoulder what needed to be done. While Jinwoo tried to diffuse the situation, Chi-Yul did not dismiss that everything what Sangshik was true, and resigned himself in being a sacrifice, telling Sangshik to put away his weapon as it was unnecessary. Chi-Yul then stepped on the altar, but intriguing nothing happened save for a flame appearing at the border of the effigy. Chi-Yul confused asked Jinwoo what he made of this.
Jinwoo had a female hunter and Kang Jeongho assist him in walking him to the altar, in which upon stepping on the stone, three more flames appeared. When Jinwoo asked when the hunters outside the dungeon would come to their rescue, Chi-Yul stated that a week in the outside world had already passed, but be doubted help would come before the statues in the room moved in for the kill. Plus their dungeon was a D-Rank one so it would be low on the Hunter's Associations list of priorities.
Jinwoo urged Sangshik and Joohee to step on the altar, in which doing so activated a mechanism that caused the double doors of the dungeon's entrance to open. The sight astound Chi-Yul and the others, but were too afraid to move unsure that they would be attacked if they attempted an escape. Soon the giant statues around the chamber began to slowly walk towards the gathered hunters at the altar.[10]
Trapped an corner the hunters could only watch as the statues began to slowly approach. However Jinwoo immediately realized that the statues stopped moving so long as someone was watching them. Although he told them to keep their eyes on the statues to slow their advance, the female hunter lost her nerve and chose to flee towards the door, despite the other warning her not to in fear she would be killed. However while the doors closed a little she made it out alive completely beyond their expectations. Jeongho afraid for his life, then abandoned his comrades at the altar, escaping out of the doors.
When Jinwoo urged everyone to remain at the altar lest they die, Chi-Yul seeing that his junior was on to something again, asked him to share what he found out. In this Jinwoo revealed that the altar was on a time and that they should all probably be safe once the time ran out. The door slowly closed proportion to the number of people who stood on the altar. If anymore people left then it would shut. Not only that to survive everyone left had to keep an eye on the statues to stop them from moving. Despite the possibility of making out alive by following the rules could be achieved, Sangshik for himself and the fate of his family, chose to flee to the doors, abandoning his fellow hunters.[11]
Sangshik departure left the doors near closed, causing Chi-Yul to understand that the door to escape was almost gone. He knew that someone needed to remain on the altar in order for the doors to remain open. Chi-Yul told the younger hunters to escape as he decided to die in their place. Despite Jinwoo's objections, Chi-Yul told Joohee to help Jinwoo to get to the doors. Though it was found out that Joohee had lost the ability to use her legs, having overused her mana to heal Jinwoo. This in mind, Chi-Yul was told by Jinwoo to take Joohee and escape. Seeing that he was right, Chi-Yul accepted Jinwoo's decision. And when Joohee objected in leaving her friend behind, Chi-Yul chopped her behind the neck to render her unconscious to carry her out before saying goodbye and thanks to Jinwoo.[12]
Reawakening Arc
In the aftermath of the Double Dungeon Incident, it was reported by the agents of Hunters Association to a recovering Jinwoo that Chi-Yul after losing his arm may have difficulties in continuing to work as a hunter. If so it would not be odd if Chi-Yul chose to simply retire.[13]
Dungeon & Prisoners Arc
Months since the Double Dungeon Incident, Chi-Yul having won a duel against a student at his kumdo school, is congratulated on his victory. Although Chi-Yul refutes his pupil believing he was going easy on him due to his missing arm. He receives an urgent call, from the Hunters Association, putting out a request for his participation in a raid, causing the lesson at the school to end. His student expresses concern to his teacher, having thought that the man would have retired since what happened in his last dungeon raid. Chi-Yul even though knowing he does not have much time alive, does not want to retire just yet, as he wants to continue protecting the world as a hunter. At that he expresses his surprise to his pupil, a renowned S-Rank Hunter coming to him, a lowly hunter, to learn swordplay. Although his pupil tells Chi-Yul they are still lacking compared to him.
While heading towards the D-Rank Dungeon, Chi-Yul reflected on his mismatched class and sword skills, when he noticed another person walking alongside him on the sidewalk. To his amazement it was Jinwoo, who he saw had physically changed since he last saw him. At first he tried asking what happened, though remembering the incident he clamped up not wanting to bring back bad memories.
However he was curious as to how Jinwoo regain his leg, as he remember it had been cut off. After hearing from Jinwoo that he had no memory of what happened since they left the Cartenon Temple and that it had mysteriously grown back. While Chi-Yul believed that it was impossible, he was glad that his junior was not disabled like himself. He noticed Jinwoo staring guilty at his missing arm, which Chi-Yul assured him not to worry about it, stating that it was a miracle that hunter like himself had never had an accident since that event. Chi-Yul stated that he had heard rumors that Jinwoo had survived his ordeal, but never truly believed them until reuniting with him.
Seeing that they were summoned by the Association for the same dungeon, they headed there together. Chi-Yul received another surprise, seeing majority of the survivors of the Double Dungeon Incident having answered the summons: Joohee, Sangshik and Jeongho.
Chi-Yul noted that there were probably some hard feelings with Sangshik present, given that he pointed a sword at him and abandoned him and Jinwoo at the dungeon. Though Chi-Yul did not harbor any ill will towards Sanshik as he himself in the end left Jinwoo behind. Though the situation did put Chi-Yul and the others in an awkward situation as they were all survivors from a traumatic event.
Their reunion was cut short when the Association brought in hunters who were probational prisoners into the raid party. Chi-Yul was obviously furious as they were given no notification that they would be working with such scum. While the circumstance for the raid were less that optimal, Chi-Yul decided to accept it as fate and head into the dungeon with the gathered hunters.[14]
Before heading in, Chi-Yul was assured by the assigned Hunters Association representative, Kang Taeshik that he would be in charge of the probational prisoners. AS for who would be leading the team, Chi-Yul volunteered himself for the position, which Jinwoo vouched for him, causing the senior hunter to be touched that Jinwoo would put faith in him again even after that tragic incident in the past. To show his sincerity he bowed in front of Jinwoo, expressing he was still felt guilt ridden since that day for leaving him behind, but Jinwoo would not have it insisting Chi-Yul stand properly. When Chi-Yul announced that he would be acting leader, he was given a gruff response by Sangshik.
In the dungeon, Ch-Yul watching the savagery of the prisoners battle the marauding goblins, commented he could not tell who was the human and beast. Before a goblin could get the better of him, Chi-Yul used his fire magic to extinguish it and two of its companions. Chi-Yul made the effort to exchange some battlefield banter with Sangshik which the latter responded to politely. Chi-Yul reminded his colleague that they should try to get along since everyone from that incident was present.
After fighting the goblins was done, Chi-Yul saw that Jinwoo had really improved and now using an impressive dagger. While Jinwoo downplayed how much he changed, Chi-Yul saw through it, seeing that the young man changed in not only appearance but his aura, making him wonder if he was really the same young man that he knew previously. He was insightful to see that Joohee was struggling internally over her near death experience at the Double Dungeon, trembling even after fight a few weak goblins. He though it was only a matter of time before she had to retire as a hunter. The path of the dungeon then split into three paths, so at Taeshik's suggestion the hunters split up, with Chi-Yul leading Jinwoo and Joohee to the tunnel on the left.[15]
However their exploration was cut short when they heard a scream back they way they came. Chi-Yul and his team then hurried back. As they were running to the source of the scream, Taeshik attempted to kill Joohee, but was reflexively stopped by Jinwoo. Taeshik desire to kill them and seeing the bodies of the deceased prisoners, confused Chi-Yul demanding why an agent of the Hunters Association was committing these crimes. Though after seeing the bodies of Sangshik and Jeongho, and the B-Rank hunter plan to kill them all to silence them to cover his crimes in the dungeon, Chi-Yul stood in front of Jinwoo and Joohee to protect them. Despite knowing his opponent was a higher rank and assassin type and had little chance of defeating Taeshik, Chi-Yul stood his ground. He borrowed the sword of his fallen comrade Sangshik and had Joohee to cast a buff on him to help him fight the corrupt hunter as a swordsman.[16]
Chi-Yul clashed against Taeshik, the latter mocking the former of being absurd as a mage was sorely disadvantaged against an assassin. However Chi-Yul surprised the assassin in being able to counter his attacks. However the speed difference was still too great, causing Taeshik to land an attack on the older hunter. The wound though was immediately healed by Joohee, causing Taeshik to prioritize in attacking her. This caused him to turn his back on Chi-Yul who used it as an opportunity to attack him, Taeshik then defended himself, finally acknowledged that Chi-Yul wasn't an ordinary mage hunter, which the latter admitted that he trained an S-Rank hunter and that while he was weaker and slower, Taeshik would not beat him at the sword. Taeshik though proved Chi-Yul the difference between them merciless slashing him from all angles. Joohee seeing him injured, tried to come to his aid, but was silently ordered to stay away as he kneeled to the ground.
Taeshik seeing him helpless and unable to fight, believed Chi-Yul had given up and so planned to give him a quick death. Before he brought down his dagger on the C-Rank hunter, Chi-Yul activated his fire magic on the ground, setting Taeshik ablaze. Though the assassin managed to escape it before resuming his killing blow on Chi-Yul. But unexpectedly the attack is intercepted by Jinwoo, shocking everyone on Jinwoo's power against a B-Rank despite him supposedly being E-Rank. Though Taeshik deduces that the only way this was possible was due to Jinwoo having a second awakening, leaving Chi-Yul and Joohee stunned at the revelation.[17]
Chi-Yul listened to Taeshik's rant of how he was a hired assassin, paid by a father of one of the victims of the prisoners he was in charge of. However the man was not motivated by but by his desire to enact death on the wicked for his love of violence. The veteran hunter watched in awe at Jinwoo being able to match Taeshik's speed, and fight evenly thanks to Joohee's support magic. Taeshik attempted to attack Joohee to stop her from interfering, but Chi-Yul intercepted the attack, protecting the female hunter.[18]
After Taeshik used his skill of Camouflage and began to attack Jinwoo without him seeing the assassin. Chi-Yul grew alarmed as he knew that Jinwoo would soon run out of energy, cursing himself that he could not leave to get help. The hunter considered attacking Taeshik, even if it meant certain death, but it would at least given Jinwoo time to recover. His aid turned out not to be necessary, as Jinwoo used Recover to heal himself. Later he overheard Taeshik conversation with Jinwoo, of how the former could tell that that Jinwoo was like him, in being a hunter who tasted blood. To Chi-Yul it made sense on how Jinwoo drastically improved by taking on life-or-death situations.[19]
When Jinwoo came out victorious and killed Taeshik, Chi-Yul thanked the young hunter for saving both his and Joohee's life. As for what to do next, when he heard Jinwoo's intent to close the dungeon by himself, Chi-Yul having seen his skills did not object. Though he still felt it was a pity that they could not give the dead a proper burial. Chi-Yul decided to head out first with Joohee to inform the Association agent of what happened, allowing Jinwoo to take the time necessary to defeat the boss.
After informing the Association, Woo Jinchul arrived an hour later after the dungeon was closed. At Jinchul's question on who killed Taeshik, Chi-Yul stepped forward to claim responsibility. Even though Chi-Yul stated that he was a C-Rank, a rank below Taeshik, the older hunter stated that he had help from Joohee, a B-Rank, which added further credibility to his claim. Chi-Yul was then required to write a written statement of the events that happened in the dungeon. Before being taken away by the Association, Jinwoo quietly asked why he lied for him. Chi-Yul stated that he had a feeling Jinwoo had reasons for hiding his true strength, and did not wish to trouble the young man. This small lie was just a way to repay the young man for saving his life.[20]
Jeju Island Arc
At the time of the Jeju Island raid, Chi-Yul came out of retirement, joining the hunters that had previously retired or those who had awakened and not decided to become hunters to guard the southern Korean peninsula while the best hunters in the country were out on the island fighting the Ants.[21] When the lives broadcast of the raid was cut off, Chi-Yul who was watching it from Joohee iPhone demanded to know what happed to all the S-Rank Hunters South Korea sent.[22] Later when the remnants of the Ants began flying past the naval blockade surrounding Jeju Island, and heading straight towards Haeundae Beach, Chi-Yul and the reservist hunters stood their ground at the shore, ready for battle. However they did not need to fight a blinding fast entity cut the approaching Ants down before they made landfall. Chi-Yul was shocked by the speed of the attacker, as even he could not make out what it was.[23]
Recruitment Arc
After the Jeju Island Raid, Song Chi-Yul at his kumdo school is seen training Cha Hae-In.[24]
In the new timeline created by the Cup of Reincarnation, Chi-Yul lost all his memories as a hunter and regained the hand he lost. He was seen instructing students at his kumdo school.[25]
Master Swordsman: Chi-Yul is a master at kumdo and was even able to teach it to Cha Hae-In, podendo lutar bem por algum tempo com Kang Taeshik.
Endurance: Chi-Yul also has a surprising amount of endurance, as he was able to function normally even after the Statue of God fried his right arm off.
Fire Magic: Chi-Yul is a competent fire user and rarely had any trouble out in the field as a result, being able to shape its flames into simple fire balls or create a flame pillar.
In the Japanese version of the anime, Song Chi-Yul's name is changed to Isamu Mabuchi.